
From the courses attended at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, with Professor Annalisa Tornabene, these self-portraits of mine were born.

Starting from the technique of Blind Drawing, I created these mirror portraits using photographs. It was a journey within myself, an exploration to better understand myself and trace the distinctive features of my face.

Self-portraiture is a way to better understand oneself, analyze one's contours, and explore ourselves, discovering anew. Blind drawing involves a series of lines drawn without ever looking at the paper, allowing anyone, even the least experienced, to achieve consistently interesting results.

The technique of blind drawing forces a close study of the subject, observing and following every line, shape, and contour with the eyes, while the hand mimics the path taken by the eye, drawing one mark at a time on the paper.

The goal is not to produce a realistic work of art but rather to strengthen the connection between the eyes, hands, and brain. It's a new experience that teaches us to see.

Here below is a selection of works drawn from these studies of mine. Acrylic and pastels on paper.


SPAZIO CORPO Personal exhibition


Studies of human figures